Spiritually based weddings
Life and spiritual coaching
Infant/Child dedications
Funeral/Celebration of Life Officiant
House Blessings
Guest sermon presentations
Webinars/Online training
Chaplaincy work in Nursing and Retirement Homes
We believe in One God, infinite, eternal, and omnipresent, manifesting in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the Trinity. God is the source of all creation, the perfect essence of love, wisdom, and power, transcending time and space, yet immanent in all life.
We affirm that Jesus Christ is the divine expression of God, fully human and fully divine, who entered the world to reveal God's love and truth. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, opening the path for humanity’s spiritual awakening and reconciliation with God. We believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, a transformative encounter with God's grace.
We believe the Holy Spirit dwells within each believer, guiding, teaching, and empowering us to live a life aligned with God's purpose. The Holy Spirit works as the inner witness to God's presence, helping believers grow in wisdom, love, and spiritual understanding.
We affirm that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, revealing divine truths necessary for our faith and practice. It serves as both a historical and spiritual text, offering layers of metaphysical insight when interpreted with the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the spiritual nature of humanity, created in the image of God, yet fallen through sin. Redemption is available to all through Jesus Christ, leading to a spiritual rebirth—an awakening to our divine potential. This journey of transformation is a return to the likeness of God, where believers progressively embody the character of Christ.
We believe in the spiritual universe, wherein visible and invisible realities exist in unity. The physical world is an expression of divine principles, and through faith, prayer, and the Word of God, we can align with the higher laws of the Kingdom of God. As we awaken to these truths, we are empowered to manifest God's will on earth as it is in heaven.
We affirm that faith, prayer, and meditation are central to the believer’s life, enabling intimate communion with God and the unfolding of divine wisdom in our lives. Through spiritual practices, we align our thoughts, words, and actions with God’s eternal truths, transforming both ourselves and the world around us.
We believe in the Body of Christ, the global community of believers united by faith in Jesus. This spiritual fellowship transcends denominations, cultures, and earthly divisions, as we are all one in Christ. The Church exists to share the Gospel, serve in love, and foster spiritual growth, helping believers awaken to their divine identity and purpose.
We affirm the resurrection of the dead and the eternal life of the soul. We believe that at the end of time, all souls will be judged by Christ, and those in union with God will experience eternal life in His presence. This resurrection life begins now as we awaken to God’s presence within us and live in the fullness of His grace.
In all things, we seek to live by the greatest commandment: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Through love, we embody God’s nature, transforming our world into the reflection of His Kingdom.
We affirm the mystery of God’s unfolding plan and trust that, through faith, we are co-creators with God, advancing His purpose for all creation to reflect His glory, love, and truth.
Our mission is to proclaim the transformative power of Jesus Christ, guiding individuals into a personal relationship with Him and awakening them to their divine identity in God. Rooted in the truth of Scripture and led by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to fostering spiritual growth, equipping believers to live out the principles of God's Kingdom, and manifesting Christ’s love, wisdom, and power in the world.
We seek to inspire a deep spiritual awakening by teaching the reality of God’s presence within every person. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we believe every individual can experience a spiritual rebirth, being transformed by grace and called to live a life of purpose aligned with God's eternal plan. As believers awaken to their divine nature, they become vessels of God's love, sharing the Gospel and serving others with compassion.
We are dedicated to the holistic transformation of lives, recognizing that the physical and spiritual realms are deeply interconnected. Through prayer, meditation, and the study of God’s Word, we aim to empower believers to align their thoughts, words, and actions with divine truth, bringing healing and restoration to both their inner and outer worlds.
Our mission is to cultivate a community of believers united by faith in Christ, committed to living out the greatest commandment: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We seek to create spaces for spiritual growth, fellowship, and service, where individuals are equipped to manifest the Kingdom of God in their families, workplaces, and communities.
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, and empower us as we walk in faith, revealing divine truths and bringing us into deeper communion with God. Our mission is to partner with the Spirit in revealing God's presence in the world, advancing His Kingdom, and working for justice, peace, and the transformation of society according to God's will.
In all things, we strive to be instruments of God’s love, bearing witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and helping others awaken to the abundant life and eternal truth found in Him.